Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Birthday Cupcakes!

Over Spring Break I was invited to help a friend frost and decorate cupcakes to celebrate her daughter's first birthday! We had a blast and most importantly her friends and family were able to enjoy these precious individual desserts while celebrating the beautiful Daphne! Here are a couple of pictures showcasing the cupcakes prepared that day.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Baconne Dolce

Oh sweet victory! Alas, I was successful at created this magically divine dessert. While conceptually it is very simple, I never had the patience to allow the Crisp French Meringues to fully dry. I hope you enjoy the pictures and may perhaps be adventurous enough to whip it up yourself. Or, if you happen to live in the best city of the world, Portland, Oregon, you can just make your way to Papa Haydn's and order a slice of your own. 

Crisp French Meringue

makes 9 nine inch discs (I just made individual size discs as I wanted to create two personal desserts)

4 large egg white
1/2 t cream of tartar
1/2 c plus 1 T superfine sugar
1 cup of lightly spooned sifted powdered sugar

Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper (ah ha! it does make a difference- for those who remember my first baconne dolce attempt!). Preheat oven to 200F. In a large bowl mix the egg whites until frothy. Add the cream of tartar. Mix until soft peaks. Add the superfine sugar in 3 increments. Whip until stiff peaks. Gently fold in the powdered sugar until fully incorporated. Use a piping bag or carefully scoop the meringue into discs and then spread the tops evenly using a spatula. 
Bake for 2 hours to 2.5 hours. Turn he heat off and allow to sit in the oven with the pilot light on for 4 hours or overnight. This allows the meringue to dry fully. 

Now it is time to assemble! Whip up some fresh whipped cream, slice some seasonal fruit, and melt some chocolate. While the meringues are still on the pan, drizzle the melted chocolate over each disc. Layer the discs with whipped cream and fresh fruit! 

Voila- you just created my favorite dessert. Expect to be transported to a magical fantasy land where your taste buds will frolic about the fresh fruit, whipped cream, dark chocolate, and crisp meringue. Does it get any better? I think not. 

Happy Eating food friends! 

Peace and love, 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pretzel Rolls!

I was inspired to bake up these delicious pretzel rolls using Alton Brown's soft pretzel recipe after watching Dale on Top Chef All stars made a Philly Cheese steak using pretzel rolls from Whole Foods! Who would have thought that the secret to soft pretzels was to boil them in baking soda water?They ended up being a delicious component for our vegan Sloppy Joe's Tuesday night but I must say that I do prefer them fresh out of the oven plain. 
