This photo pretty much sums up how awesome I feel right now. Originally created for Martha's first marathon- I feel that it is appropriate to use again.
After an incredible weekend of trail running with Matt (who ran his furthest this weekend in his life - 15 miles!!!!) I took one day off and decided yesterday to run today (Tuesday). Well- I woke up to snow. Snow isn't usually bad but it generally means that I will be hitting the gym that day. But today it seemed so magical and peaceful. So I decided to run outside. It was awesome- but I would definitely not advise it. By the end of the run I was swearing up and down while the pretty little snow flakes felt like tiny individual toothpicks pelleting my face.
Needless to say- I PR'd on that route and was super excited to get back to my office. Although I wanted to hide my red blotchy face- I felt pretty bad ass.
Good job! I so look forward to being able to run again. :-)